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Science Museum Model

If you like model cars then I think you'll like the  SS saloon model that  is  in the Science Museum. It can be found in the upper gallery of what is now called "Making the Modern World".


This model is quite large, 1/10th scale so 18" long. It is described as a "2½ litre Jaguar Motor Car 1938" although the inventory date is 1947. It's a slightly strange transitional model that appears to have the pre-war waist line chrome but it also has the boot structure of the cars from the 1940s. It also has pleated seats and post war type wheel spinners.

The detailing is impressive although the radiused corners of the side windows are not very faithful and I think the windscreen and front door leading edge should be a little less vertical. Another oddity for such a well detailed model is that it has no scuttle vent! Very strange.